PRBI Course Descriptions


Potomac River Bible Institute

Course Descriptions



Academic Classes


Deacon and Deaconess 101: The student will learn the basic fundamental on how they should be the great leaders that God expect them to be within the Body of Jesus Christ.

Proverbs: "Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience." This is one of the many profound insights J. Vernon McGee offers in his commentary on the Book of Proverbs.  During this study you will gain the tools of interpretation needed to dig out the spiritual treasures of God's wisdom found in Proverbs.  The diligent student is given a promise from God to understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.  Author J. Vernon McGee

Gospel of Mark: Mark reveals that in spite of Jesus' busy life, He took the time to pray.  This verse by verse, chapter exploration spans Mark's recounting of the prophecies of Isaiah and Malachi through John the Baptist ending with the Resurrection of Jesus. Author J. Vernon McGee

Colossians: Colossians demonstrates that Christ is all a Believer needs.  This course refutes false teachings and shows the Christians how to live based on sound doctrine.  The student will gain a greater realization of what the Bible means when it says, "Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Col. 1:27). Author Theodore Epps

1&2 Thessalonians: This course provides both prophetical and practical lessons.  The focus in these books is not on what the return of Jesus will mean to us in the future.  Rather, it is on how this subject can be a dynamic in our lives and in the ministry of our churches today.   Author Warren W. Wiersbe

 Revelation: A captivating study of future events as portrayed in the greatest book of prophecy including the rapture, great tribulation, millennium, Great White Throne Judgment and new heaven and earth. A pre-tribulation and premillennial viewpoint.  Author J. Vernon McGee

Bible and Prayer: A rewarding study about prayer in the life of the believer.  Includes 30 aspects of prayer such as: the purpose of prayer, the preparation for prayer, private prayer, public prayer and the perfect prayer. Author unknown

The Holy Spirit: Believers are sealed and indwelt by the Spirit, sanctified with the Spirit, and filled with the Spirit.  The student will enjoy this inspiring and balanced look at the attributes and work of the Third Person of the Godhead. Author Theodore Epps

Independent study will be offered to students also see your registrar! 

Northern Campus: Richie Baptist Church, Southern Campus Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church.


Deacon and Deaconess 101: The student will learn the basic fundamentals on how to be the great leaders that God requires of them in the Body of Jesus Christ.


Eschatology 1109:  This course will focus on the doctrine of last things.  It will focus on beliefs concerning death, the end of the world, and ultimate destiny of humankind.  It focuses on many of the various Christian doctrines concerning the Second Coming, the resurrection of the dead, and the last judgment.


Sermon Preparation PM221: The student will learn that every message the preacher delivers ought to be stamped with their own personality and expressed in their own way.  This close examination of expository preaching with emphasis on preparation, process, and organization needed to prepare effective sermons.


Book of Romans NT 408:  Understanding the Book of romans can give a key to understanding the rest of the Bible.  It can also provide the key to successful Christian living.  In this course the student will learn the main message of this great epistle, and how it applies to one life. Author Warren W. Wiersbe


Sunday School Growth: This course teaches big ideas for a better Sunday School. The author's and others contribute to 40 principles presented in this course. These ideas will, help you build an evangelistic Sunday School.  Authors Dr. Clarence Sexton, Lee Roberson, and J.R. Faulkner


Book of Nehemiah: Nehemiah was a layman called by God to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.  In spite of opposition he stayed on the job and finished the work.  God is continuously looking for "Nehemiah's" people with vision, courage, and faith. Our Father uses men and women who see possibilities and believe that God can use them.

In this course the student will be inspired to be determine I life's tough situations. Pick up your sword! Author Warren W. Wiersbe


Eternal Security: Can salvation be lost or is it eternal?  This course provides the believer with comprehensive Biblical teaching on such issues as assurance, doubts, and the "unpardonable sin" grace vs. works and more.  Authors Charles Stanley and Curtis Hutson

Independent study will be offered to students also see your Registrar! 

Northern Campus Richie Baptist, Southern Campus Pleasant Grove.

Definition of Course Codes Letters

BS - Biblical Studies

PM - Pulpit Ministry

TH - Theology

PT - Practical Theology

LD - Leadership

HI - History

CS - Christian Service

Biblical Studies

BS 101      Old Testament Survey                  

Brief examination of the 39 books of the Old Testament including but not limited to authorship, major themes, structure, and overview. 

BS 102      New Testament Survey       

Brief examination of the 27 books of the New Testament including but not limited to authorship, major themes, structure, and overview. 

BS 110      Bible Characters 1               

A general study in the great characters of the Bible.  Discover God's use of ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things. 


BS 111      Bible Characters 2

Continuation in study of the great characters of the Bible. 

BS 201      The Pentateuch

An integrated examination of the first five Books of the Bible, the Law of Moses, including but not limited to content, meaning, application, and historical criticism.

BS 202      The Gospels

This course will examine the parallel and synpotic accounts of the life of Jesus Christ as contained within the four Gospels. The student will gain a greater understanding of the exemplary ministry of Jesus. 

BS 210      Survey of the Psalms

This course will explore the most beloved of biblical texts examining the theological and cultural rhetoric of the hymns and the implications and applications for the Christian faith today. 

BS 220      Books of Poetry

Select portions of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, and Eccleciastes are studied including but not limited to divine inspiration, structure, major themes, and authorship. 

BS 301      Old Testament Books of History

The Old Testament historical books are examined inlcuding but not limited to divine inspiration, structure, major themes, and authorship. 

BS 320      The Acts of the Apostles

This course will implore an in-depth examination of the book of The Acts of the Apostles with emphasis on the work of Holy Spirit and the foundation of the church. 

BS 401      Major Prophets

An intensive exploraton of the Old Testament books of major prophecies including but not limited to divine inspiration, structure, major themes, and authorship. 



BS 402      Pauline Epistles

The New Testament letters of the Apostle Paul are examined inlcuding but not limited to divine inspiration, structure, major themes, and authorship. 

BS 420      Minor Prophets

An intensive exploraton of the Old Testament books of minor prophecies including but not limited to divine inspiration, structure, major themes, and authorship. 

BS 421      The General Epistles

The New Testament general letters are examined inlcuding but not limited to divine inspiration, structure, major themes, and authorship. 

BS 430      The Book of Revelation

This course will explore the book of Revelation including not limited to divine inspiration, structure, major themes, authorship, and eschatological themes. 

Pulpit Ministry

PM 101      Hermeneutics

This course will explore the basic principles of biblical interpretation.  Learn how to appropriately study, interpret, and apply the Scriptures using grounded spiritual, artistic and scientific methodologies. 

PM 110      Pastoral Theology

This course will explore the biblical call, responsibility, and role of the pastor in the local church. 

PM 220      Homiletics

This course is designed to develop competency in the develop and delivery of expository sermons. 

PM 230      Advanced Hermeneutics

Explore a deeper understanding of methodologies in biblical interpretation. 



PM 231      Advanced Homiletics

Explore a diversity of preaching styles, methods, and ministerial development.

PM 240      Ministerial Ordination

This course is designed to prepare the licensed minister of ordination.  Ministers must have written consent from their pastor to enroll in this course. 


TH 101      Introduction to Bible Doctrines     

This course will provide a brief examination of the major doctrines of the Christian faith. 

TH 210      Baptist Beliefs

This course will explore the major tenets of the Baptist faith. 

TH 230      Systematic Theology 1

This course will provide an in-depth and comprehensive examination of the major doctrines of the Christian faith. 

TH 231      Systematic Theology 2

Continuation of TH 230

Practical Theology

PT 101       Principles of Bible Study

Learn the fundamental principles of personal Bible study and how to make scriptural applications toward Christian discipleship. 

PT 210       Spiritual Gifts

This course is designed to help the student discover their spiritual gifts and the function of spiritual gifts in the church. 

PT 211       Women in Ministry

This course provides a study in the great women of the Bible and their unique ministry in the early church.  This course will also provide women in ministry with a tools for service in both pulpit and lay ministry. 

PT 212       Praise and Worship

This course provides a biblical view of praise and worship and the lifestyle that accompanies this intimate fellowship with God.  

PT 213       The Role of Music in the Church

This couse is designed to provide the student with a comprehensive understanding of the role of music in the church. 

PT 214       Technology and the Church

Bring your church into the 21st century using technological trends to enhance church administration, communication, and worship presentation. 

PT 220       Evangelism and Discipleship

Learn tools for how to effectively reach souls for the Kingdom of God.  Additionally, this course will provide tools for Christian discipleship and how to disciple others. 

PT 221       21st Century Missions

This course is designed to provide a foundation in the biblical mandate for church missions. Learn how your church or you personally can engage in missions using foundational and emerging trends of the 21st century. 


LD 101       Principles of Leadership

This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of prominent theories of leadership and foundational principles of leadership. 

LD 210       Transformational Leadership

This course is designed to provides students with an understanding of the theory of transformational leadership and the use of the theory toward leadership effectiveness. 

LD 211       The Leader as a Change Agent

This course is designed to provide students with tools for change implementation in church ministry and the role of the leader as a change agent. 


LD 220       Towards a Theology of Leadership

This course will explore a biblical foundation for leadership and implore research principles to further the discussion on leadership theology. 

LD 221       Church Administration

This course is designed to provide students with tools for effective church adminstration. 


HI 101        Church History

Learn the basics of church and the evolution of the church throughout the ages including the emergence of church denominiations. 

HI 210        History of the Baptist Church

Understand Baptist distinctives and the history of the emergence of the Baptist church. 

Christian Service

CS 200      Christian Service

This course is a no credit intenship course where students must provide one semester of ministry service to their church or a parachurch ministry. 



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